Creating Medium-Fidelity Prototypes for AR/VR Experiences

Prototyping in 3D isn't the same as in just two dimensions. Compared to regular, flat websites, augmented and virtual reality have very different requirements when it comes to creating prototypes. To close a gap in the medium-fidelity range of AR/VR prototyping methods, we've created 360theater, which makes use of dioramas and 360° content for creating physical-digital prototypes. We've used our new method in workshops with design students and found that it comes close to the final experience while complementing other methods with different levels of fidelity.

My Ultimate List of Books You Need to Read If You Want to Truly Understand Digital Design: A Work in Progress

This list contains the books I believe everyone who wants to truly understand what digital design is all about needs to read. I've tried to roughly categorize them into more foundational topics and then somewhat along the double diamond: finding the right problem and finding the right solution. To provide a glimpse into the future, I also list some books on designing for an with (a selection of) novel types of interfaces.

Practical Approaches to Customer Centricity in Product Development

Products often tend to be technology-driven, without actually solving a real problem of real users ‒ we see companies and products fail every day because money was invested in the wrong idea. In contrast, a truly customer-centric approach ensures you enter the right market with the right product, thus increasing user experience, loyalty, and profitability ‒ a win-win situation. One format for user-centered innovation projects are Design Sprints, which allow for a first validation of a product idea within a week.

5 Design Methods I’ve Successfully Applied as a UX Manager at C&A

Depending on the environment you have to navigate, it's not always easy to try and apply all of the awesome design methods that are out there, be it due to daily business or a lack of management buy-in. In this article, I describe 5 methods that I have successfully and effectively applied in C&A's eCommerce department: Design Jams, Storyboards, Crazy 8s, 4×4×4, and Buy a Feature.