Semantics *do* matter

Tales of Design & User Experience (ToDUX) #3 ⁂ Dear readers, Greetings from Barcelona! 👋🏻 I have a new piece on the differences between UX, Digital Product Design, and UX that has been published on my blog as well as on UX vs. Product Design vs. UI Why did I write yet another article… Continue reading Semantics *do* matter

Vamos a Barcelona 🏖️

Tales of Design & User Experience (ToDUX) #2 ⁂ Dear Subscribers, this is the first newsletter sent from my new home, which is indeed Barcelona 🏖️, and I wanna use it to update you on a couple of things. We still need to get rid of significance in A/B testing First of all, my piece… Continue reading Vamos a Barcelona 🏖️

Practical Approaches to Customer Centricity in Product Development

Products often tend to be technology-driven, without actually solving a real problem of real users ‒ we see companies and products fail every day because money was invested in the wrong idea. In contrast, a truly customer-centric approach ensures you enter the right market with the right product, thus increasing user experience, loyalty, and profitability ‒ a win-win situation. One format for user-centered innovation projects are Design Sprints, which allow for a first validation of a product idea within a week.

5 Design Methods I’ve Successfully Applied as a UX Manager at C&A

Depending on the environment you have to navigate, it's not always easy to try and apply all of the awesome design methods that are out there, be it due to daily business or a lack of management buy-in. In this article, I describe 5 methods that I have successfully and effectively applied in C&A's eCommerce department: Design Jams, Storyboards, Crazy 8s, 4×4×4, and Buy a Feature.

What is Design Thinking?

Design Thinking is often considered a buzzword or bullshit and many people—even if familiar with the concept—struggle to define it in a brief, but concise way. In this article, I develop such a definition: "Design Thinking is the understanding that the process is the design and therefore all people involved, no matter their role, are responsible for creating a product that is useful, functional, aesthetically appealing, and affordable."

Talking Design Thinking with Abhijit De

"Sorry, we are out of stock!" is an unpleasantly common sentence customers of Indian retailers hear every day. This is because due to a lack of appropriate systems, retailers are having problems with maintaining their stock and accurately anticipating the necessary quantities of each product. With their business network Ganges, SAP intend to tackle this… Continue reading Talking Design Thinking with Abhijit De

How to Design Think

Use a notebook Sketch every idea you have Communicate visually Observe your target audience Build prototypes Talk to people without domain knowledge Discuss with people you don't know Never neglect crazy ideas Think about technology later Don't stick to a particular order Test every hypothesis Never just assume things Practice empathy Be satisfied with 'good enough'… Continue reading How to Design Think

On Design Thinking

According to Patnaik (2009), Design Thinking is "any process that applies the methods of industrial designers to problems beyond how a product should look." The term was already used as early as 1987 by Rowe in his eponymous book in an architectural context and has lately become popular through research done at Stanford University and the Hasso Plattner… Continue reading On Design Thinking