AI Will Be a Thing in Design and Research, but There Are Some Issues to Resolve First

To what extent do digital designers and user researchers in industry make use of AI-powered systems to support their work? The answer seems to be “not much,” as we found in a survey with 34 practitioners. In general, there seems to be little awareness of the specific advantages AI can bring to a design process and which tools are already out there, despite significant issues with existing processes that could be well mitigated with the help of AI. However, designers and researchers are very open to the topic and would appreciate AI-powered systems to support them in both ideation and evaluation. Providing practitioners with such systems that are easily accessible and demonstrate added value holds great opportunities.

There is such a thing as too much data

Tales of Design & User Experience (ToDUX) #4 ⁂ Dear readers and friends, I hope you’re all doing good. 😊 I have a two new pieces, both of which have been published in the UX Collective. The first one—“Listen to users, but only 85% of the time”—investigates why it’s not in the best interest of… Continue reading There is such a thing as too much data

My Ultimate List of Books You Need to Read If You Want to Truly Understand Digital Design: A Work in Progress

This list contains the books I believe everyone who wants to truly understand what digital design is all about needs to read. I've tried to roughly categorize them into more foundational topics and then somewhat along the double diamond: finding the right problem and finding the right solution. To provide a glimpse into the future, I also list some books on designing for an with (a selection of) novel types of interfaces.

My First Article for The Next Web

"It was during my Bachelor’s thesis that I first came into contact with user research; and after that, I fell in love with anything usability and UX design. Today, I’m a UX Manager and take care of a wide variety of design topics. But when you simply look at my diplomas, you wouldn’t expect any… Continue reading My First Article for The Next Web

Product Discovery ‒ A Systematic Approach for Customer Research Methods

There is a plethora of customer research methods out there and it can be difficult to stay on top of things when it comes to choosing the right method for a given research question. Specifically in the realm of product discovery, when it comes down to being able to decide whether an idea generates business value or not, certain methods lack validity or are not properly applied. In this article, André Morys provides an overview over when to use which (combination of) methods(s) for product discovery.